Charles Hansen Earns Doctorate, Paving the Way for Future Leadership in San Mateo

This past week was more than just a celebration; Earning my Doctor of Social Work (DSW) degree is a significant milestone —a journey deeply intertwined with my commitment to serving the San Mateo community.

I’ve had the privilege of overseeing nearly 45 programs, sites, and services dedicated to uplifting those in need. Now, I am more equipped than ever to advocate for the policies and changes that will benefit all residents of San Mateo. The insights gained through this rigorous academic journey will inform my approach to the pressing issues we face—whether it’s addressing the affordable housing crisis, expanding access to quality childcare and education, or ensuring our infrastructure is resilient and sustainable.

My doctoral education is a shared success. It belongs to my incredible support system—my family, friends, colleagues, and every person in our community who has believed in me. It belongs to my son, Trip, who inspires me every day, knowing that the future we build today is the one he will inherit tomorrow.

As I continue my campaign for San Mateo City Council, I am more prepared than ever to bring informed, compassionate, and effective leadership to our city, ensuring that every voice is heard and every resident has the opportunity to thrive.

This degree represents the belief that education and leadership are not just paths to personal success but powerful instruments for community transformation. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey. Together, we will continue to build a stronger, more connected, and more resilient San Mateo.

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