Charles Hansen, a lifelong Democratic voter, has kicked down doors to pave the way for change and refuses to accept a future where our children face the same struggles. He envisions safe, sustainable infrastructure, affordable housing, and public safety that serves everyone fairly. His campaign is about dreaming big, and ensuring San Mateo’s city government reflects the diversity and needs of all residents. Join Charles in building a San Mateo free from corporate influence, where every voice is heard and every child can thrive.

Husband, Father, Community Leader

I am a loving father, devoted husband, lifelong Democratic voter, and community servant, living in District 2 with my family. With over 20 years of experience in nonprofit leadership, I have been working in North Central and North Shoreview neighborhoods for years in my role as Chief Program Officer at Peninsula Family Service, which provides subsidized childcare, senior services, financial empowerment, transportation, employment, and mental health services across San Mateo County.

As the child of an immigrant parent from Ghana and a trailblazer in my family, I was the first to receive a college degree, followed by an MBA and a Doctorate in Social Work. I’m honored to serve on the County Civil Service Commission and San Mateo Unified High School District Equity Advisory Committee, as well as a San Francisco Foundation Koshland Fellow, which will invest $300,000 into our equity priority community in San Mateo. As an executive leader of award-winning nonprofits, I continue to manage multi-million dollar budgets to uplift communities, develop resilient infrastructure, secure affordable childcare and housing, and improve public safety.

San Mateo deserves independent representation, free from corporate interests and the political machine. I believe in transparency and accountability; I am committed to leading by listening as the people’s choice, endorsed by President of San Mateo County Board of Education Chelsea Bonini, Ms. Gloria Brown, and Supervisor Noelia Corzo.

Charles is dedicated to community service and believes in the power of ethical and empathetic leadership to transform lives and communities.


Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure

Investing in infrastructure is crucial to ensure our community is safe, well-connected, and climate-resilient. Charles Hansen is committed to resourcing improvements in flood control, safe streets, and thriving community spaces in every neighborhood across San Mateo. He will advocate for equitable resources for our North Central and North Shoreview neighborhoods, which are most impacted by climate change and the legacy of underinvestment and lack of representation.


Affordable Housing and Childcare

San Mateo is stronger when families have the opportunity to establish roots – live close to our jobs, schools, and churches. Charles Hansen will champion affordable housing initiatives to alleviate financial burdens on families and collaborate with local institutions for accessible, quality housing solutions. As a renter and new father, Charles Hansen knows that affordable housing and quality childcare are fundamental for the well-being of our communities.


Community Policing and Public Safety

Charles Hansen will promote community policing models to build trust and collaboration between law enforcement and residents. He supports a compassionate co-response model that embeds youth diversion, mental health, and homeless outreach capacity into the Department coupled with non-violent and de-escalation policies.

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